Fabian Grepper

on 20 October 2024 in the Grand Council

Together with you!

Together into the future!

I am committed out of conviction and with full passion to a free and liberal Switzerland!

As a candidate of the FDP Aargau for the Grand Council, I am committed to a canton and a Switzerland that offers all people equal opportunities to use their talents and realize their dreams.

In recent years, I have repeatedly and successfully campaigned outside of parliament for our canton and our region. I now want to bring this success to Aarau in order to strengthen not only our region but also the canton.

But we cannot do this alone... We can only achieve these values and ideals if we stand together. That is why I want to set out into the future with you, develop solutions together, and shape Switzerland together.


My experience

I have been working with full commitment and passion for the Young Liberals and the FDP for over eight years.

During these years I was able to stand twice as a candidate on the Young Liberals list for the National Council and now for the second time as a candidate for the Aargau cantonal parliament.

I worked on the Aargau cantonal board and at the same time pushed ahead with the establishment of the new Young Liberals section in Zofingen, which I lead as president.

A large part of my commitment is focused on foreign policy. As International Officer of the Young Liberals of Switzerland, I am currently responsible for cooperation with our partners abroad.

In recent years, I have represented Switzerland abroad in various functions and with various cross-party partners and worked on important international projects.

For example, as head of the environmental and climate program of our international umbrella organization ILFRY, I represented the Young Liberals at the World Climate Conference in Dubai. This summer, I was in Ukraine at the invitation of President Zelensky's youth organization, visited the scenes of war and spoke to local activists about possibilities for humanitarian aid and the promotion of human rights.

CV and experience

The media about me...


Foreign policy

For years I have been committed to Swiss interests at European and international level, but also to liberalism, democracy and the rule of law. My work shows me every day that we are not an island somewhere in the ocean, but a country at the centre and heart of a diverse but also complex continent. Politically, but also socially and above all economically, Switzerland is closely linked to the European Union. These relationships are central to our country's prosperity and must not be jeopardised. My goal is a strong and independent Switzerland that works for peace and progress all over the world.

Infrastructure and transport

Our prosperity cannot be taken for granted. Our prosperity is the result of hard work by generations and a state that provides good framework conditions. Two central aspects of these conditions are infrastructure and mobility. The economy will only be able to continue to develop if we manage to further develop our infrastructure and adapt it to the changing needs of our time. We must drive digitalization forward - this includes the expansion of the 5G network as well as the expansion of fiber optic connections. But it is also about the provision of government services in the digital space and the security of the Internet. Our infrastructure must be made more resilient and withstand attacks from outside. Espionage, crime and even military actions have long since ceased to be limited to real life, but are also digital on the Internet. Public service must be strengthened; closing post offices and increasing ticket prices achieves the opposite.

We also need to rethink our mobility. More and more electric cars on the road require the expansion of our power grid in order to keep up with growing demand. At the same time, we must also keep an eye on peripheral regions and look for solutions for our mobility that are open to new technologies. Public transport is a significant part of our identity as Swiss people. But the future of public transport is uncertain... Rising costs and changing demand pose major challenges for public transport. We must meet these challenges with adjustments to the service, new technologies, automation and cost reduction.

Climate and environment

The Alps with their glaciers, our lakes and forests form our landscape, shape how we live, how we spend our free time and also how we work. But this environment is threatened by climate change. We can no longer stop climate change, but we can minimize its effects. We must act to do this; it does the environment no good if we stick to the ground instead. We must include the costs of environmental damage in the costs of producing goods and services. We must create incentives to develop environmentally friendly solutions and not subsidize environmentally harmful technologies with billions of taxpayers' money as we do today. For this reason, I am calling for a comprehensive introduction of certificate trading. In addition, we must become independent of fossil fuels and produce our energy using reliable and efficient technologies. The ban on nuclear energy is neither helpful nor effective in this regard, as nuclear energy generates reliable and safe, almost CO2-neutral electricity. We must also promote innovation in order to develop new environmentally friendly technologies and establish them in our industries. This will bring economic growth and maintain our prosperity in the long term.

Inclusion of people with disabilities

'Not everyone has the same starting conditions in life, and this particularly applies to people with disabilities. Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world, but it lags far behind when it comes to equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Not even half of the train stations and bus stops are barrier-free and the expansion is slow to say the least. Our schools and universities must focus more intensively and in greater depth on inclusion and the compensation of disadvantages that a person with a disability has and implement these. Today, people with disabilities still face many obstacles, particularly in the area of vocational training and university studies; this must change. Our disability insurance is an ingenious achievement, but it must be more flexible, more efficient and, above all, closer to people and provide support where help is needed. Leading an independent life and being able to work should be the norm for people with disabilities in one of the richest countries in the world, not the exception.

My vision is a Switzerland that is characterized by independence and openness, that combines its diversity and contrasts and turns them into its strength.


Would you like to find out more about me? What I stand for and what projects I am pursuing? Send me a message here on the website or DM me on social media and let's talk!

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